Sunday Recap—January 7


January 7, 2024 || Genesis 29:1-35 || Walt Alexander

Jacob in the Wilderness

MAIN POINT: There is a love that is deeper than any pit, constant through every trouble, in Christ.

  1. The patriarch is prayerless. (v. 1-14)

  2. The deceiver is deceived. (v. 15-30)

  3. The despised is loved. (v. 31-35)

TGC Variety Show

Join us for an unforgettable evening, Friday, January 26 at TWU starting at 7pm. Deadline for variety acts are Saturday, January 13th.

What the Reformers Taught About Scripture

Join us on Sunday mornings Jan. 14, & 21 at 9:00am at the YMCA to learn key principles of scripture that the Reformers taught us.

Join a Community Group

Small groups—or, as we call them—Community Groups are the “heart and soul” of our church. They are where church becomes smaller. These Community Groups meet regularly for prayer, encouragement, & relationship-building. 

Community Group Study: Discipling

Pick up your copy of the book Discipling on Sunday. We will be studying this together in our Community Groups. Suggested donation of $5 for the book.

Baptism Testimony: Lucretia Mayfield

This past Sunday, we were able to celebrate God’s grace in the lives of two folks - Reagan Hawkins and Lucretia Mayfield - through the ceremony of baptism. Prior to the baptisms, we heard a testimony from Lucretia about God’s work in her life. The following is her story…

Baptism Testimony: Lucretia Mayfield

Growing up, my family believed in God, but that’s where my knowledge stopped. I was made fun of in school for being overweight and extremely tall for a girl. Name calling was difficult. I prayed for any kind of relief, but praying felt like throwing pennies into a wishing well - and I began to wonder if God was even there at all? Later, I was confronted with my need for spiritual answers when a friend of mine died. In my search, I was introduced to some people in the Mormon church and was baptized into their faith. But in reality, I had joined that church for the friends that I had made, not because I believed what they were teaching. Years later, I began attending another church. Even though we did countless activities, something was still missing. I was still lost.

I experienced some hard things in my family that lead me to feel even more lost. I didn’t have the best relationship with my father. It was as if we battled to see who could hurt each other the most with our sharp words. I also had a strained relationship with my older brother as well as a number of broken friendships. I was surrounded by darkness.

Eventually, I started going to a gym here in TN. It was through an interview for a job at the gym that I met Bryan Hurst. He invited me to Trinity Grace. I was hesitant to show up, but I did and immediately fell in love w/TGC. Shortly after, the Hursts helped me find a place to live with Fran and Paul Citrullo. I was scared and nervous but never did I dream I would find a family within Paul/Fran. God was using these people to begin healing the broken things inside of me that I didn’t realize were broken. God's word can pierce holes in you to let the light in and cast the darkness out.

Through TGC, many people have shared about God with me. Joy Finch and I have been meeting monthly to talk about things we’re learning in the bible. She has opened her home as a safe place for me to talk about what I have learned and the transformation God is just beginning to do within me. I am so grateful to God for her and the many others He has used to change my life.

When I was baptized into the Mormon church, I really just wanted to fit in. But today is different. I want to openly show that I know that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and that I know he died for my sins. I no longer am the girl that was shouting “crucify him” like those in Mark. Instead, I now know that by his grace and mercy I am saved and washed clean by his blood. I no longer hold onto hurt or drown in condemnation or feel the need to seek validation in the world because I belong to him and I walk with him.

Sunday Recap—December 31


December 31, 2023 || Matthew 6:9-13 || Taylor Hollingsworth

The Disciple’s Prayer

MAIN POINT: Bring your heavenly Father glory by aligning the priorities of your heart with his own in prayer..

  1. Pray to Our Father.

  2. Pray for His Glory.

  3. Pray for Our Good.

TGC Variety Show

You will not want to miss this event so mark your calendars for the TGC Variety Show being held on Friday, Jan. 26 beginning at 7pm at the Townsend Auditorium at TWU. Recommended donation of $5/person with all proceeds going toward the TGC Building Fund. For more information, select the link below.

What the Reformers Taught About Scripture

Join us on Sunday mornings Jan. 7, 14, & 21 at 9:00am at the YMCA to learn key principles of scripture that the Reformers taught us.

Sunday Recap—December 24


December 24, 2023 || Matthew 1:1-17 || Walt Alexander

The Mothers of Jesus

MAIN POINT: Jesus came down to open wide forever the way to God to all who believe.

  1. Christmas is a wonderfully true story.

  2. Christmas is for those who hate it most.

  3. Christmas is the beginning of the end of all sin & pain.

TGKids Update for Dec. 24 & 31

Parents and volunteers, please note the changes to the TGKids schedule for Dec. 24 and 31. There will be no Learners class on Dec. 24 (both Crawlers and Walkers will be available as usual). On Dec. 31, we will only have the Crawlers class available - we will not have the Walkers and Learners classes.

What the Reformers Taught About Scripture

Join us on Sunday mornings Jan. 7, 14, & 21 at 9:00am at the YMCA to learn key principles of scripture that the Reformers taught us.

TGC Variety Show

You will not want to miss this event so mark your calendars for the TGC Variety Show being held on Friday, Jan. 26 beginning at 6:30pm at the TWU campus.

Bible Reading In The New Year

Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! 

Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

~ Psalm 34:8

January is often a season of new beginnings. Maybe this is the time of year you wonder about trying to read the bible? And maybe you don’t really know where to start. Or you’ve tried before and the wheels fell off by February.

Well, there’s good news for both those who are just getting started and those who have been discouraged in the past! You and I can look at plans without fear of condemnation because bible reading is not something we do to get or keep God’s approval. So, why think about a Bible plan? To put it simply, we want to know God more than we did before.

And this isn’t just knowing more about him, but knowing him relationally as a friend you are growing to love and trust.

Savoring any moments you get with the God who loves you is a far different story than trying to maintain perfect attendance at Bible trivia school. So, the plan is intended to create structure and space for you to connect with the Lord.

If you want to grow and need some help, I’d recommend 3 steps: Plan | Place | Process


  • Select a Bible Plan

  • Feel the freedom to change

    • The goal is fellowship with the Lord, not crossing the finish line in Leviticus.

    • May need to shift because of life transitions or better approaches.

  • Find unhurried time

    • What kind of timeframe do you have?

    • Can you make adjustments to clear more time?

      • Ex. - pick out clothes the night before, make lunch the night before, set coffee maker, go to sleep 30 minutes earlier…etc. 


  • Location, location, location!

    • Mar 1:35 - And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.

  • Minimize distractions

    • Quiet + Low traffic + Away from screens/emails/texts…etc

  • Set yourself up for success - literally!


  • PRAY - IOU’s is a helpful acronym to guide a simple prayer based on some verses in the Psalms:

    • Incline my heart to you, not to prideful gain or any false motive. (Psalm 119:36)

    • Open my eyes to behold wonderful things in your Word. (Psalm 119:18)

    • Unite my heart to fear your name. (Psalm 86:11)

    • Satisfy me with your steadfast love. (Psalm 90:14)

  • READ

    • WHILE READING: Read with a highlighter and pen. Mark it up and make notes along the way. This helps you engage while reading and remember what you read! 

      • What stood out to you?

      • What do you have questions about?

    • AFTER READING: Meaning and Application - 3 questions

      • What does this text reveal about my brokenness?

      • What does this text reveal about the sufficiency of Christ?

      • What virtue does this text encourage me to put on in response?


    • Springboard off of scripture into prayer - Talk to God!

    • Meditation is meant to marinate your mind in the truths of God’s word.

      • Reread encouraging verses.

      • Write it down.

      • Memorize it - find ways to think on it throughout the day.

Hopefully, this starter kit will serve you as you get rolling into the New Year and beyond. As always, let us know if there are any ways we can help you! Looking forward to growing together in 2024.

“Day by day, as God’s sons, we thankfully take the gifts that our heavenly Father bestows—daily remission of sins, daily reassurance from his promises, daily revelations of Himself from his Word. Day by day, we trustfully hand over to our heavenly Father our various fears and failures, deliberately unstrapping the burden of care from our own shoulders in order to cast it upon Him. Such . . . is the taking and giving (the fellowship) . . . that constitutes the life of faith.” - J.I. Packer

Sunday Recap—December 17


December 17, 2023 || Genesis 28 || Walt Alexander

The Stairway to Heaven

MAIN POINT: Do not fear - the Lord Jesus will be with you wherever you go.

  1. The Lord’s promise.

  2. Jacob’s view.

  3. Christ’s fulfillment.

TGKids Update for Dec. 24 & 31

Parents and volunteers, please note the changes to the TGKids schedule for Dec. 24 and 31. There will be no Learners class on Dec. 24 (both Crawlers and Walkers will be available as usual). On Dec. 31, we will only have the Crawlers class available - we will not have the Walkers and Learners classes.

What the Reformers Taught About Scripture

Join us on Sunday mornings Jan. 7, 14, & 21 at 9:00am at the YMCA to learn key principles of scripture that the Reformers taught us.

TGC Variety Show

You will not want to miss this event so mark your calendars for the TGC Variety Show being held on Friday, Jan. 26 beginning at 6:30pm at the TWU campus.

Two Deacon Nominees: Abraham Traucht and Scott Trew!

Everyone knows that driving rental cars is more enjoyable than driving your own car.

Your car is cluttered and stained—the rental is pristine and new. Your car is barely firing on one cylinder—the rental is firing on all cylinders. Your car sputters to 60mph—the rental races there.

But there’s one more thing I enjoy about rental cars: new shocks!

The shocks in my old car are so worn out that passing over a speed bump feels like falling off a cliff. But a new rental car drives like a marshmallow, the shocks absorbing all the bumps with me barely noticing.

In the church, deacons are like shocks—more precisely, deacons are like shock absorbers.

Deacons serve the church by anticipating and meeting the administrative and logistical burdens of the body so that the church continues united in worshipping and serving God. In so doing, deacons are shock absorbers who absorb and address things that would otherwise dismantle the church.


There are two offices for leaders in the New Testament: Elders & Deacons. When writing to the church in Philippi, the apostle Paul writes “to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons” (Phil. 1:1).

The clearest passage on the qualifications and call of deacons is 1 Timothy 3:8-13:

Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. Their wives likewise must be dignified, not slanderers, but sober-minded, faithful in all things. Let deacons each be the husband of one wife, managing their children and their own households well. For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.

The word deacon simply means “servant.” In one sense, all Christians are to be “servants.” But, this passage, and other parts of the New Testament, make clear that certain men are called to serve in the office of servant in the local church.

In Acts 6, after God drew many to Christ and added them local churches, the apostles recognized the potential disruption administrative and logistical burdens could cause the church. The apostles were tempted to neglect the Word and prayer to focus on tackling the administrative and logistical burden of making sure no one was neglected in the daily distribution of food and provision. Instead, they decided to appoint seven men to serve in this way.

Over time, it seems that this initial solution led to the creation of two offices in Christ’s church: Elders & Deacons.

Elders are called to be servant leaders, devoting themselves to the Word of God and prayer. Deacons are called to be lead servants, devoting themselves to the administrative and logistical needs of the church.

If you are interested in learning more about deacons and their vital role in the life of Trinity Grace, listen to the message below from several years ago.


If deacons are called to be lead servants, there are few words that come to mind more quickly when thinking about Abe than the word servant. Abe is a conscientious, hard-working man who serves others without being asked. He is a godly man who has earned a reputation of selflessly serving among our church. We believe he will serve the church well as a deacon.

He and wife Danna have four children and have been faithful members of Trinity Grace since 2020.

Though he may disagree, one word that would aptly describe Scott is: leader. Scott and his wife Lauren have been a part of Trinity Grace since nearly the beginning. Their sincere faith and genuine love for others caused them to quickly become cherished members. Before long, they began leading our children’s ministry and did so quite well for several years. In particular, Scott demonstrated his gift of administrative leadership—coordinating a vast number of administrative details to serve a specific goal. For this reason, as well as his experience in financial training and stewardship, we believe he will serve the church well as a deacon.

He and his wife Lauren have two children (along with a new son-in-law!) and have been faithful members of Trinity Grace since 2019.


We have talked with a number of people in the church, including our current deacons, about those who should be considered as future deacon candidates. Both Abe and Scott’s names were presented. After much prayer and discussion, the elders nominated Abe and Scott last Sunday.

So, now what happens?

We will have a 4 week period to hear from you!

During this time, we want to hear from you. We welcome any affirmations of Abe or Scott serving in this role. Likewise, we welcome any concerns or question you may have. If Abe and Scott are going to serve well in this role, it will require the active engagement and support of each member.

You can communicate encouragement or questions to any of the elders—Buddy, Taylor, or Walt—directly. You can also email Tony Roberts ( your encouragement or questions or to set up a time to meet with one of the elders.

Regardless of the outcome, we are thankful that God is building his church and providing for his church. To him be the glory!

Sunday Recap—December 10


December 10, 2023 || Genesis 27:1-28:5 || Walt Alexander

Jacob and Esau

MAIN POINT: Nothing — not even the sins of his chosen people — will stop the will of God from bringing blessing to the undeserving.

  1. The Plots. (v. 27:1-17)

  2. The Climax. (v. 27:18-29)

  3. The Resolution. (v. 27:41-28:5)

TGKids Update for Dec. 24 & 31

Parents and volunteers, please note the changes to the TGKids schedule for Dec. 24 and 31. There will be no Learners class on Dec. 24 (both Crawlers and Walkers will be available as usual). On Dec. 31, we will only have the Crawlers class available - we will not have the Walkers and Learners classes.

Sunday Recap—December 3


December 3, 2023 || Genesis 25:19-34 || Walt Alexander

The Sons of Isaac

MAIN POINT: The promise will pass from generation to generation because God saves sinners single-handedly by sovereign grace.

  1. The promise began in divine elections.

  2. The promist is not thwarted by human sin.

  3. The promise rests on the sovereign grace.

TGKids Update for Dec. 24 & 31

Parents and volunteers, please note the changes to the TGKids schedule for Dec. 24 and 31. There will be no Learners class on Dec. 24 (both Crawlers and Walkers will be available as usual). On Dec. 31, we will only have the Crawlers class available - we will not have the Walkers and Learners classes.

Sunday Recap—November 26


November 26, 2023 || Genesis 24 || Walt Alexander

A Bride for Isaac

MAIN POINT: Let us rest, knowing all the promises & purposes of God come to pass by the unseen hand of providence.

  1. Providence is bound to the promise.

  2. Providence is sought by praying, working, & watching.

  3. Providence is received with praise & thanksgiving.

  4. Providence centers on the salvation of God.

We Believe

When: Wednesday | Nov 29 | 7:00pm

Where: Church Office | 219 E. Madison Ave

It is a monthly course unpacking our statement of faith & helping us to live in light of its truth. This month we will be looking at Creation, Providence, & Man’s Sin & Its Effect.

Prepare Him Room Concert - Knoxville

When: Friday | December 1 | 7:00 pm | Cornerstone Church of Knoxville

Sovereign Grace Music will be at Cornerstone Church of Knoxville for a Prepare Him Room Christmas Concert. The event is free but you must register first to attend.

Lessons & Carols

When: Sunday | December 3 | 10:30am | YMCA

Join us for a special time of devotional teaching and Christmas Carols as we prepare our hearts for the joy of the Christmas season.

Christmas for YCAP

When: Sunday | December 3 | 10:30am | YMCA

As a church, we are partnering with the YMCA and the students and families who are part of the YCAP program. Pick up your student’s information this Sunday, Nov 26 and return your items of clothing and books on Dec 3.

Sunday Recap—November 19


November 19, 2023 || Mark 1:16-20 || Taylor Hollingsworth

Who are We?: Going

MAIN POINT: Go and proclaim the good news of great joy in Jesus Christ who loves us and is with us to the end while entrusting the results to God.

  1. What is the Good News?

  2. Who proclaims the good news?

  3. What is the posture of proclaiming the good news?

  4. How do we take the good news?

We Believe

When: Wednesday | Nov 29 | 7:00pm

Where: Church Office | 219 E. Madison Ave

It is a monthly course unpacking our statement of faith & helping us to live in light of its truth. This month we will be looking at Creation, Providence, & Man’s Sin & Its Effect.

Lessons & Carols

When: Sunday | December 3 | 10:30am | YMCA

Join us for a special time of devotional teaching and Christmas Carols as we prepare our hearts for the joy of the Christmas season.

Christmas for YCAP

When: Sunday | December 3 | 10:30am | YMCA

As a church, we are partnering with the YMCA and the students and families who are part of the YCAP program. Pick up your student’s information this Sunday, Nov 26 and return your items of clothing and books on Dec 3.

Sunday Recap—November 5


November 5, 2023 || Ephesians 4:11-16 || Walt Alexander

Who are We?: Growing

MAIN POINT: The call of discipleship begins a vigorous pursuit of growth in Christ.

  1. Goal: Growth

  2. Means: Hearing & Obeying the Word

  3. Context: The Local Church

Korea Mission Trip Interest Meeting

When: Sunday | November 12 | 9:30am | YMCA

Join us for an informational meeting on the 2024 Korea Mission Trip with our special guests, Pastor Songwhan Kang, and his wife, Miran.

5 Year Anniversary Sunday in Review

Psalm 126:3 - The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad.

We had a wonderful time reflecting on God’s faithfulness to our church this past weekend. We enjoyed a rich Sunday service praising God for all that he’s done over the last five years. Our friend, C.J. Mahaney (pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville), came and encouraged us by preaching from Psalm 126. God has done great things for us, and we are glad indeed!

If you haven’t had the chance to see them yet, here are the videos from the last 2 Sundays: One is a slideshow from the last 5 years and the other highlights short testimonies from members about how God has used this church family in their lives.

Anniversary Picnic in Pictures

The celebration continued with our 5th Anniversary Picnic at the Expo Center. We enjoyed bounce houses, an art expo, horse rides, games, a delicious feast, a time of singing…and a time of dancing!

5th Anniversary Picnic: What to Know

This Sunday marks our 5th anniversary as a church gathering in Athens, TN. We marvel at all God has already done in our lives through this little church family. We have so much to be grateful for. So, as is fitting, we want to celebrate God’s faithfulness over these last 5 years by looking back, feasting, and enjoying a slow afternoon together. Here are a few things to know in order to make the most of the day!


The Picnic will run from 4-8pm. The Expo Center is inside Athens Regional Park. Find a parking spot in the grass in the designated parking area.



Bring chairs and blankets and anything that might make your picnic-ing more enjoyable!



Festivities begin at 4pm. We will have the following activities (Lord willing!)

  • Horse Rides - Elementary aged kids are welcome to enjoy a short horse ride around the picnic area.

  • Football & Volleyball - Play some football and volleyball with some friends. We’ll have designated areas for both.

  • Lawn Games - Can jam and corn hole sets will be available.

  • Bounce Houses - We’ll have a bouncy house with a slide for our elementary-aged kids and an obstacle course for middle school and older.

  • Art expo - Enjoy looking through artistic renderings of “Treasured Moments of Trinity Grace” in our own art gallery!

  • Photo Op - Grab a picture or 3 at our photo station.

  • TGC Timeline - Write your name on the timeline banner when you joined the TGC family as we look back at the last 5 years (and our many different meeting spaces)!

5 PM - Welcome & Dinner

All activities will pause for dinner until 6pm to give us concentrated time to eat and enjoy together. While waiting in line, you can play our guessing game. We’ll have jars out on a table filled with different treasures. Submit your guess for how many treasures are in the jars on the table for a chance to win the jar later on!As for food, the menu includes Bbq pulled pork, hot dogs, baked beans, salad, chips, and drinks. We will have a special game toward the tail end of supper for your entertainment. So, stay tuned!


All activities (with the exception of horse rides) reopen until 7:10PM. Additionally, we’ll have 2 competitive events happening during this time - the ever-popular “Egg Toss” and a new event called “The Tennessee Derby.”

  • 6:15 PM - EVENT #1 | EGG TOSS - Grab a partner and sign up with Deana Akers for a chance to win some medals AND a number of Farm Fresh eggs.

  • 6:45 PM - EVENT #2 | THE TN DERBY - Get a team of 4 together consisting of 1 elementary, middle, high school, & adult (18+) and compete in this wild horse relay for a chance to win some medals AND homemade derby pies - sign up with Deana Akers.


All activities will come to a close so we can gather together to sing in celebration & reflect on what God has done. You can access lyrics to the songs we’ll be singing on your phone by clicking the link below OR by scanning a QR code (which will be posted around the Expo Center).


We will conclude our time together in style…so stick around!


Psalm 126:3 - The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad.

Sunday Recap—October 22


October 22, 2023 || Mark 1:16-20 || Walt Alexander

Who Are We?

MAIN POINT: Disciples are called to new life by Jesus Christ through the gospel.

  1. Calling

  2. Faith

  3. Repentance

5th Anniversary Picnic

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: You won’t want to miss our 5th Anniversary Picnic as we celebrate God’s faithfulness and enjoy food, fun, and worship together.

5th Anniversary Art Expo

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: Submit paintings, drawings, or sculptures of “treasured moments of Trinity Grace” by Oct. 25.

Sunday Recap—October 15


October 15, 2023 || Genesis 22 || Taylor Hollingsworth


MAIN POINT: Trust in the Lord who graciously provides all that we need in Christ our substitute.

  1. Surrender everything while trusting God. (v. 22:1-10)

  2. Receive God’s Substitute. (v. 22:11-19)

5th Anniversary Picnic

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: You won’t want to miss our 5th Anniversary Picnic as we celebrate God’s faithfulness and enjoy food, fun, and worship together.

5th Anniversary Art Expo

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: Submit paintings, drawings, or sculptures of “treasured moments of Trinity Grace” by Oct. 25.

Women's Retreat: Quotes & Resources

It will take some time to mine all the riches of the recent TGC Women’s Retreat with Betsy Ricucci. Now that we are a few weeks out and you’re back in the throws of ordinary life, we thought it would be helpful to post a few quotes from the sessions for meditation and some book recommendations from Betsy. We hope the Lord will use these to stir your faith as you walk forward in the good work the Lord has entrusted to you!


  • “Do not become discouraged if God does not teach you all at once. He lets in light by degrees, and teaches His children now a little, and then a little; some this week, and more next; some by this affliction, and more by the next…Though God’s teaching is powerful, it does not immediately put the soul into an immutable evenness of spirit freed from all insurrections and disturbances. Such a frame is only the privilege of the glorified state. David had his sinkings, and Job his impatient fits. We have heard of the patience of Job, yea and of his impatience too! The taught of God may be moved, but not re-moved; thy may fall, but not fall away…As God teaches us, the soul gradually gains ground…Prayer brings in God, and God gives strength to take back lost ground. We are comforted that all will be done in God’s time. I am not perfect, but I will be perfect (Philippians 1:6).” - Thomas Case

  • “Just as we don’t change all at once, so we don’t swallow all of truth in one gulp. We are simple people. You can’t remember ten things at once. Invariably, if you could remember just ONE true thing in the moment of trial, you’d be different…When you remember, you actually change. In fact, remembering is the first change.” - David Powlison

  • “Sometimes God works slowly and sometimes God works quickly. And sometimes God works slowly so that He can work quickly.”

  • “Do you pause from time to time to thank God fro the hundred and one tiny joys that make up each day? There are endless possibilities for specific ways and moments of remembering, for lifting our hearts in praise to God. We all need to take gratitude more seriously than we do….the moment of remembering, the time taken out for thanks, the pause for praise, will stand before God and our fellow human beings as a statement of declared trust, of radical reliance, of faith that will admit no turning back—in short, a decisive no to self-sufficiency and doubt and an emphatic yes to God.” - Os Guinness

  • “You have given so much to me. Give me one thing more—a grateful heart.” - George Herbert

  • “It is our work to cast away anxiety; (I Peter 5:7) and it is God’s work to take care. By our immoderate worry, we take His work out of His hand.” - Thomas Watson

  • It is our work to cast care! It is God’s work to take care! What rest!

  • “It is faith that enlivens our work with perpetual cheerfulness. It commits every part of it to God, in the hope, that even mistakes shall be overruled for His glory; and thus relieves us from an oppressive anxiety, often attendant upon a deep sense of our responsibility. The shortest way to peace will be found in casting ourselves upon God for daily pardon of deficiencies and supplies of grace, without looking too eagerly for present fruit. It is peace—not slumber, rest in the work—not from it.” - Charles Bridges


Sunday Recap—October 8


October 8, 2023 || Genesis 21 || Walt Alexander


MAIN POINT: Take God at his Word and everything else will fall into place.

  1. God always keeps his promises. (v. 21:1-2)

  2. Obedience is always best. (v. 21:3-5)

  3. The best is (always) yet to come. (v. 21:6-7)

Pumpkintown Pickup

WHEN: Saturday | October 14 | 11am - 3pm

WHAT: Come with your family and friends to humbly serve our community by picking up litter and emptying trashcans. All ages can help!

5th Anniversary Picnic

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: You won’t want to miss our 5th Anniversary Picnic as we celebrate God’s faithfulness and enjoy food, fun, and worship together.

5th Anniversary Art Expo

WHEN: Sunday | October 29 | 4-7pm | Expo Center

WHAT: Submit paintings, drawings, or sculptures of “treasured moments of Trinity Grace” by Oct. 22.

One-to-One Bible Reading Class | Sunday, Oct. 8

Please join us Sunday, Oct. 8 from 9-10am at the YMCA as we explore the practical tools and resources to get started with 1-1 Bible Reading.

If you’re anything like me, maybe you’ve felt paralyzed by the thought of sharing about Jesus with others. You know what he’s done in your own life and you desire to share with others, but you don’t feel like you know how to get into a conversation or - even if you were in a conversation - you don’t know what to say. You’re not alone!

When it comes to sharing about Jesus, we often put too much pressure on ourselves to have all the answers. What if, instead, we helped connect people with Jesus directly and let his Word challenge, encourage, and transform?

We’d like to introduce you to a tool that could help you do just that - it’s called 1-1 Bible Reading.

This short class will give you the tools to facilitate conversations about Jesus with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors through reading scripture together.

Take a look at the testimony of Matt Roberts who shared about his firsthand experience a couple weeks ago:

My name is Matt Roberts. I’ve been attending Trinity Grace for about a year and a half now. About a year ago, I was asked if I’d like to read the bible one on one. My first thought was “I don’t know about that, sounds so lame.” However, I said yes because I’ve always had trouble reading the bible. Names and places were difficult to read and it can be hard to understand (reading and spelling were never my strong suit.) I had also never really been shown how to read the bible.

I went to that bible study once and I’ve continued once a week before work for over a year now. I’ve even started reading on other days with close friends because now I can’t get enough of it.

In my experience, we've been meeting at Bluefront around 8am once a week. We usually talk a little about life and then pray for God to open our eyes up to his word. Then, one of us reads a chapter out loud. Then we talk about the things that caught our attention and how it points us to Jesus and how we should live in response.

In the last year, I’ve been through the book of Mark twice, and Acts twice.

Going through the book of Mark with a friend and seeing what Jesus did for me helped personalize the message that I was hearing on Sunday morning at church. That was a real game changer.

Before coming to Trinity Grace, I had been out of church for a while. So, when reading through Mark, it seemed like God was reaching out and constantly saying “welcome back.”

Since I began reading, I’ve noticed that God has given me the chance to witness more and more. When I would get nervous to share, Mark 8:39 would come to mind “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

I’m a skateboarder, so I started taking my bible on skate trips and doing my daily reading in the hotel lobbies while my buddy’s were getting breakfast or getting ready. Little did I know, God was working through something as simple as that. I was quizzed on the way home being asked questions like “yo man so you like bible STUDY huh?” Giving the perfect opportunity to share what Jesus has done and is doing in my life.

I also love the book of Acts where I encountered Paul. When I read about him, I pray God will help me be more like him. One passage that stood out to me was Acts 17 where Paul says:

“Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. 23 For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘To the unknown god.’ What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. 24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man,[a] 25 nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. 26 And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us.”

Paul got me thinking about how I used to pray to the “fog” - he was a distant and unknown god. But this reminds me that the Spirit is here now and that, through Jesus Christ, I can pray to the God that is right here with me - This has changed my prayer life completely.

I would encourage everyone to reach out and start reading with others (you don’t have to know everything or have all the answers in order to do this). Diving into God’s word with a friend is a whole new level of getting closer to Jesus. Learning more about him and what his plan is for us. Also sharing about new life in Jesus with a friend that may not be a believer is the greatest way you can say I love you. I hope you’ll give it a try. Take a chance and see what God might do! Thanks for letting me share.

You don’t have to be a bible scholar to facilitate these conversations. If you’re a Christian and you can read, you can do this! This is one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread.