Sunday Recap—April 28


April 28, 2024 || John 14:15-31 || Taylor Hollingsworth

The Paraclete

MAIN POINT: In light of Christ’s love, live courageously in the peace of Christ through the empowering help of the Holy Spirit.

  1. The Foundation: Christ’s Love. (v. 15)

  2. The Help: Christ’s Spirit. (v. 16-26)

  3. The Courage: Christ’s Peace. (v. 27-31)

Receiving of New Members

On May 5th, we will have the joy of welcoming new members to Trinity Grace Church. This reminds us of the Lord’s kindness and faithfulness to our church.

Baby Dedication

On Sunday, May 12, we will have a special time of recognizing and praying for our families and children. If you are interested in dedicating your baby or your children, please contact the church at for more information..

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—April 21


April 21, 2024 || Acts 17:1-14 || Guest Speaker: Brian Chesemore

We Believe

In a culture that is rapidly changing and redefining so many things, it is important to know what we believe. Join us on Wed., April 24 at 7pm at the church office (219 E Madison Ave) as we look at the Gospel & Application of Salvation.

Baptism Class

How do I know I am Christian? How do I know for sure my faith is my own & not just something I do because of how I was raised or because it is something my friends do? In this Baptism Class, as we consider the topic of baptism, we are really trying to answer this very important question. Join us on Sunday, Apr. 28 at 9 am at the YMCA.

Korea Mission Trip Offering

Prayefully consider how you can support our Korea Mission Trip team as they travel to Korea this summer. A special offering will be conducted on April 28.

Picnic Lunch

Bring your own food, drinks, and lawn chairs as we fellowship together after the church service.

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—April 14


April 14, 2024 || John 14:1-14 || Walt Alexander

Place, Person, & Privilege

MAIN POINT: The truly victorious Christian life is gained through a living faith in Jesus.

  1. Place. (v. 1-4)

  2. Person. (v. 5-11)

  3. Privilege (v. 12-14)

We Believe

In a culture that is rapidly changing and redefining so many things, it is important to know what we believe. Join us on Wed., April 24 at 7pm at the church office (219 E Madison Ave) as we look at the Gospel & Application of Salvation.

Baptism Class

How do I know I am Christian? How do I know for sure my faith is my own & not just something I do because of how I was raised or because it is something my friends do? In this Baptism Class, as we consider the topic of baptism, we are really trying to answer this very important question. Join us on Sunday, Apr. 28 at 9 am at the YMCA.

Korea Mission Trip Offering

Prayefully consider how you can support our Korea Mission Trip team as they travel to Korea this summer. A special offering will be conducted on April 28.

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—April 7


April 7, 2024 || John 13:18-38 || Walt Alexander

Stricken, Smitten, & Afflicted

MAIN POINT: It is necessary for Jesus to suffer, but let none of us who follow him fall away.

  1. The Betrayal of Judas. (v. 18-30)

  2. The Glory of Jesus. (v. 31-35)

  3. The Failure of Peter. (v. 36-38)

We Believe

In a culture that is rapidly changing and redefining so many things, it is important to know what we believe. Join us on Wed., April 24 at 7pm at the church office (219 E Madison Ave) as we look at the Gospel & Application of Salvation.

Baptism Class

How do I know I am Christian? How do I know for sure my faith is my own & not just something I do because of how I was raised or because it is something my friends do? In this Baptism Class, as we consider the topic of baptism, we are really trying to answer this very important question. Join us on Sunday, Apr. 28 at 9 am at the YMCA.

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Chris Pritchett Testimony of God’s Grace

Chris Pritchett Testimony of God’s Grace

Hello, my name is Chris Pritchett and I just want to thank you for letting me share a slice of what Christ has done in my life. 

Looking back, I can say that I lived much of my life in confusion, with no direction, and with no goals.

My childhood was plagued with loneliness, isolation, hunger, separation from family, and multiple types of abuse. I was not raised in church and grew up giving little thought to God. 

In my early 20’s I spent several years living a very selfish and reckless life. I abused alcohol, treated women as objects, and went from high to high including a near-death encounter by overdosing on crack cocaine.

With those choices came numerous consequences and heartache in the years that followed. When I got married, my wife Cindy and all my children suffered due to my selfish lifestyle. Some of these consequences have been lifelong and are embedded lifelong memories. 

But then about 15 years ago, God intervened in my life. He saved me. By Gods grace he knew that I desperately needed my wife Cindy in my life, and thanks to her church attendance became a regular pattern. The church bulletins were always previously placed in all the seats prior to the service. One morning the title said, “Believing in God, But Not Living Like It.” Reading this immediately crushed me. I was convicted and knew this was 100% me! I was saved before church even started. God called me to himself so profoundly that morning that I don’t remember the words I said. I just know I gave up, received him, and that specific morning changed the trajectory of my life forever. He forgave my sins and rescued me from a life of self-destruction.

God began placing Christian men in my life. Specifically, James Harrison who was my boss at a mechanical construction company. James was different. His large white board was full of people he would pray for while kneeling at his office chair. His heart was gentle, and his wallet was generous. James took the time to listen and counsel me through life’s circumstances and was always able to share scripture with me that was similar to my circumstances, and this left me encouraged. James loved me, he prayed with me, he spoke truth to me, and pointed me to Gods love for me.

However, I still felt shackled to my past because I thought that I should have no more sin in my life. I believed I should do more and work harder to earn my keep with God. Eventually I found myself believing that God couldn’t love me and that he viewed me as a failure. I struggled to feel close to God. 

But God kept pursuing me. He sent relationships. He sent people to invest in me and live transparently. He anchored me in preaching that pointed to his grace and helped me understand His true character. 

Ultimately it was God's kindness to allow the spirit of Jesus to live inside of me so that I may begin to know his love for me.  I’m so thankful God did not leave me when I was most vulnerable. I don’t live in order to earn his love. I live in a thankful response to the love he’s already given for me at the cross. He’s placed a desire in my heart to try and honor him with my life. 

God's word says there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. 

I have sinned and I need a savior. And I stand here now because God has rescued me from a life of self-destruction and given me a life of freedom through his son Jesus Christ. In Jesus, there is no condemnation. There is always more that’s right in Jesus than there is what’s wrong in me, more forgiveness in him than sin in me. And however deep my mess goes, his holiness goes deeper. My sins, they are many, but his mercy is more. And he’s committed to changing me from the inside out.

Sunday Recap—March 31


March 31, 2024 || John 21:1-18 || Walt Alexander

Do You Have to See to Believe?

Starting Point Community Group

If you are new to the church and are looking to be a part of a Community Group or what to know more about being in a Community Group, this is the place to start. Starting Point begins on April 7th. Contact Taylor at to learn more.

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—March 24


March 24, 2024 || John 13:12-17 || Walt Alexander

Saved to Serve

MAIN POINT: All who follow the Savior must deny themselves & selflessly serve others.

  1. The Savior’s example. (v. 13-15)

  2. The Savior’s command. (v. 16)

  3. The Savior’s promise. (v. 17)

We Believe

In a culture that is rapidly changing and redefining so many things, it is important to know what we believe. Join us on Wed., March 27 at 7pm at the church office (219 E Madison Ave) as we look at the Gospel & Application of Salvation.

Easter Picnic

Join us after church for a Easter Picnic on the lawn of the YMCA on March 31 - bring your lawn chairs. It will be a time of food, fellowship, and s special performance by the Enoch Contemporary Ballet. If you last name begins with A-R, bring a side dish to share. If you last name begins with S-Z, bring a dessert to share. The church will provide the BBQ.

Starting Point Community Group

If you are new to the church and are looking to be a part of a Community Group or what to know more about being in a Community Group, this is the place to start. Starting Point begins on April 7th. Contact Taylor at to learn more.

TGC Book Club

Pick up your copy of the book, The Enemy Within by Kris Lungard, which takes aim at the heart of ongoing sin. We will meet on Sunday, May 18, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—March 17


March 17, 2024 || Ezekiel 36:22-32 || Kirby Key

The New Covenant

MAIN POINT: God will hallow His name by hallowing His people.

  1. The Old Covenant and Israel’s Past.

  2. The New Covenant and the Church’s Now.

  3. The New Covenant and the Church’s Not Yet.

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Easter Picnic

Join us after church for a Easter Picnic on the lawn of the YMCA on March 31. It will be a time of food, fellowship, and s special performance by the Enoch Contemporary Ballet.

Starting Point Community Group

If you are new to the church and are looking to be a part of a Community Group or what to know more about being in a Community Group, this is the place to start. Starting Point begins on April 7th. Contact Taylor at to learn more.

Sunday Recap—March 10


March 10, 2024 || John 13:1-12 || Walt Alexander

The Heart of Christ

MAIN POINT: Have no fear — Jesus was determined to love his own to the end, cleansing us of all sin & setting us apart for himself.

  1. The Setting. (v. 1)

  2. The Act. (v.2-5)

  3. The Meaning. (v.6-12)

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Easter Picnic

Join us after church for a Easter Picnic on the lawn of the YMCA on March 31. It will be a time of food, fellowship, and s special performance by the Enoch Contemporary Ballet.

Sunday Recap—March 3


March 10, 2024 || John 13:1-12 || Walt Alexander

Main Point: Have no fear — Jesus was determined to love his own to the end, cleansing us of all sin & setting us apart for himself.

  1. The Setting. (v. 1)

  2. The Act. (v.2-5)

  3. The end is better than the beginning. (v.8-10)

  4. Wisdom is the best of all. (v.11-14)

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Easter Picnic

Join us after church for a Easter Picnic on the lawn of the YMCA on March 31. It will be a time of food, fellowship, and s special performance by the Enoch Contemporary Ballet.

Sunday Recap—February 25


February 25, 2024 || Psalm 105 || Taylor Hollingsworth

Tell His Wondrous Works

MAIN POINT: Remember the Lord’s faithfulness to bring you into the people of God so that you might worship him!

  1. We are a people with a purpose anchored in a person. (v. 1-8)

  2. We are a people with a past living for his praise. (v. 9-45)

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9 am at the YMCA to discuss.

Sunday Recap—February 18


February 18, 2024 || Genesis 50 || Walt Alexander

The End of Genesis

MAIN POINT: You are a creature who — despite suffering, evil, sin & death — is held completely secure in the grip of God’s sovereign grace.

  1. God’s sovereign grace in the suffering of Joseph.

  2. God’s sovereign grace in the suffering of the people of Israel.

  3. God’s sovereign grace in the suffering of Jesus.

We Believe - Sunday Evening

Please note that the We Believe class is on Sunday evening this month, Feb. 25 @ 7-8:30pm at the church office.

Baptism Class

How do I know I am Christian? How do I know for sure my faith is my own & not just something I do because of how I was raised or because it is something my friends do?

in this Baptism Class, as we consider the topic of baptism, we are really trying to answer this very important question. Join us on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 9 am at the YMCA.

Sunday Recap—February 11


February 11, 2024 || Genesis 43-45 || Walt Alexander

Reunion of the Brothers

MAIN POINT: Strive to live at peace with all, remembering you were reconciled to God while you were his enemy.

  1. Jacob turns from self-reliance to trust. (v. 43:1-14)

  2. The brothers turn from disgust & deceit to repentance. (v. 43:15-44:34)

  3. Joseph turns from self-protection to compassion & forgiveness. (v. 45:1-28)

Couples Night

Please mark your calendars and sign up below for Marriage Night on Friday, February 16 at First Baptist Church in Athens. Childcare provided.

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9am at the YMCA to discuss. A limited number of books are available at the Welcome table for $5.

Genesis, the Living God, & You.

There’s no more important question for any generation than: Who are you?

In the past, folks would answer that question by looking outward—talking about where they live, who their parents are, or their family’s occupation (which hadn’t changed in many generations).

Beginning at least with the dawn of Romanticism, people began looking inward. As one German philosopher Johann Herder wrote his fiancé in 1773 a statement that could be included in any recent Disney movie,

“All our actions should be self-determined, in accordance with our innermost character—we must be true to ourselves.”

There is value in looking outward and inward as we think about who we are and how we are called to live—but it is most important for us to be continually looking Godward.

Specifically, we are not meant to read the Bible as the story of those people, nor even as only the story of Jesus, but as our story. We are meant to read the story of the Bible like we might read about Washington crossing the Delaware or the D-Day invasions or the Twin Towers on 9/11—as something that explains who we are. We need to take in the story of the Bible, not just so that we can learn the facts or gain salvation, but so that we can know who we are.

That is one of the main reasons we have been studying the book of Genesis—to (re)learn who we are.


We have learned that we are made in the image of our sovereign, wise, breathtakingly-good God.

We have learned that we are not neuter but are made male or female and called to reflect and represent God in distinct, God-glorifying ways.

We have learned that we are prone to wander. The sin that stained the lives of Adam and Eve and our forefathers stains us. We are prone to wander astray—to erupt in self-pity like Cain, to build our own kingdoms like the Tower of Babel, to protect ourselves rather than love our family like Abraham, to take matters into our own hands to get what we want like Jacob.

We have learned that we are children of the promise. In Christ, we are all sons of Abraham by faith (Gal. 3:29). Our lives are not meandering along aimlessly, our lives are directed and defined by the promises of our God who loves us and has welcomed us home as his precious children.

We have learned that every detail of our lives is ordered by God’s good, unstoppable providence. What others mean for evil, he means for good. What others intend to tear us down, he intends to use to make us more like Christ.

We have learned through the trials of Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph that we are safe in the hands of him who knows what he is doing.

We have learned to walk by faith. Theodore Cuyler says it so well in his book God’s Light On Dark Clouds,

“Faith carries present loads and meets present assaults and feeds on present promises, and commits the future to a faithful God.” Theodore Cuyler


The book of Genesis was written to the people of Israel as they were wondering through the wilderness to remind them who God is and who he has been. It was written to the give the people of Israel his resume, better yet his track record.

Wonderfully, as pastor John Preston once said, all of Genesis was written to say to us: “What I was to them, the same will I be to you.”

So, who are you?

You are the child of God. You are beautifully and distinctly made. You are prone to wander, but you have been chased down by the one who sought the trickster Jacob. You are kept by the promise. You are held in the unshakeable hands of God and his unstoppable providence.

Who are you? You are the living God’s. You belong to him! And what he was to all those who are his before you, he will be the same to you.

I pray that when we talk about who we are, we do not talk long before we're awestruck and steeled with remembering whose we are.

Thank you, Genesis.

Sunday Recap—February 4


February 4, 2024 || Genesis 40-41 || Walt Alexander

Joseph’s Rise

MAIN POINT: The good purposes of God’s providence cannot be stopped, but you must not just watch and wait.

  1. Joseph is in pit but is patient. (v. 40:1-22)

  2. Joseph is on the rise but is humble. (v. 41:1-36)

  3. Joseph is set on high but is serving. (v. 41:37-57)

Financial Peace University

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join the Financial Peace University class starting on Feb. 5, sign up below to receive more information.

Membership Class

Sign up below to find out more about the beliefs, doctrine and practices of Trinity Grace Church.  There is no commitment to become a member. Class held Saturday, February 10 from 8:45 am to 1 pm. Location to be determined.

Couples Night

Please mark your calendars and sign up below for Marriage Night on Friday, February 16 at First Baptist Church in Athens. Childcare provided.

TGC Book Club

Join us this month in reading the book, Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung. We will meet on Sunday, March 24, at 9am at the YMCA to discuss. A limited number of books are available at the Welcome table for $5.

2024 Variety Show in Pics

We never promised talent, but we did promise variety - and variety was certainly delivered! Hope you enjoy a sampling of memories below.

Sunday Recap—January 28


January 28, 2024 || Genesis 39 || Taylor Hollingsworth

Joseph & Potiphar’s Wife

MAIN POINT: The Lord is always present with his people, even in the midst of adversity.

  1. Brought down. (v. 2-11)

  2. Given success. (v. 2-6)

  3. Tempted and accused. (v. 6-9)

  4. Brought lower still. (v. 20-23)

Financial Peace University

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join the Financial Peace University class starting on Feb. 5, sign up below to receive more information.

Membership Class

Sign up below to find out more about the beliefs, doctrine and practices of Trinity Grace Church.  There is no commitment to become a member. Class held Saturday, February 10 from 8:45 am to 1 pm. Location to be determined.

Marriage Night

Please mark your calendars and sign up below for Marriage Night on Friday, February 16 at First Baptist Church in Athens. Childcare provided.

Camp Joy

If you are interested in being a volunteer at Camp Joy July 6-12, select the Learn More button below. This is a great opportunity to make an impact for a lifetime. 

Jacob: From a Grasper to a Giver

There is perhaps no better indicator for how God is transforming us than how we deal with money.

Jesus taught on money more than any other subject, because money tends to become more than just a medium of exchange for us. More than a way to pay the rent or purchase groceries or prepare for an unknown future, money tends to become our treasure, our security, our comfort—all of which God is meant to be for us. 

Jesus commands us,

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” —Matthew 6:24 

Several weeks ago, we concluded a string of five sermons on the life of Jacob. Of the many themes from the life of Jacob, none is more prominent than his transformation from a man who grasps to a man who gives. It is worth pausing to consider this theme a bit more. 

A Man Who Grasps

Jacob begins grasping for what is not his before he is born. He wrestles with his twin brother Esau in the womb, so much so that his mother Rebekah fears something terrible is going to happen. On the happy day of their birth, Esau comes first, but Jacob comes immediately after, holding on to his heel. He is still holding on to Esau as if to say, You’re not supposed to be first, it’s supposed to be me!

Throughout his childhood, it is clear that Jacob is a  man who knows what he wants. He is decisive and determined. He is resolute. He possesses immense strength and persistence. Like a good bird dog, he is not easily thrown off a scent. All of these qualities can be quite commendable. 

But, as is sadly too often the case, Jacob’s greatest strength becomes his greatest weakness

He is decisive—but also unyielding. He is determined—but also unrelenting. He possesses immense strength—but uses it to only serve himself. He is a man out for himself. And he is a man willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. 

Rather than trusting God to do what he promised, Jacob continually takes matters into his own hands. He cheats Esau out of his birthright. He deceives his father Isaac to attain Esau’s blessing. He tricks his uncle Laban to return home with the best of the animals. 

But, on his way back home, on the night before he is to face his brother Esau for the first time, Jacob faces the fight of his life. 

The angel of the Lord comes to him in the dark and wrestles him. All night long, they toss and turn, thrashing about in hand-to-hand combat. Jacob will not quit. Jesus will not give in. Jacob will not say mercy, he will not let himself be pinned. 

Finally, the angel of the Lord says, Let me go, for the day has broken. 

Did Jacob win? Did Jacob pin the Lord? Was Jacob too much for the Lord?

It seems to me that this moment was the heart of the test. Will Jacob let the Lord walk away? Will Jacob assume that he has won, only to be lost forever? Will Jacob rest in his strength or turn from his strength to God? 

Jacob says, I will not let you go, unless you bless me.

With those simple words, it is clear: Jacob is a changed man! He does not win because of his strength, he wins because of his trust in God.

A Man Who Gives

The Lord doesn’t want Jacob to forget how he came to be blessed, so he touches his hip and leaves him permanently impaired. From now on, he limps. And, as he limps, he knows that the power of God is not displayed through his strength but through his weakness and dependence. 

The morning dawns with Jacob limping on his way home. The first face he sees is that of his brother Esau.

What happens next is simply stunning.

Jacob gives Esau a gift.

Before he wrestled with the Lord, he prepared a lavish gift for Esau to pay him off and get him off his back. But after wrestling with the Lord, he gives a gift to Esau to make things right. Like Zacchaeus paying back those he defrauded, Jacob wants to give Esau back the blessing he stole.

Earlier, Esau said, Is he not rightly named Jacob? He took away my birthright, and behold, now he has taken away my blessing. Now, Jacob says, Please accept my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me.

It is clear. Jacob is a new man. 

Is Your Christianity Real?

The same is often true of us. There is perhaps no better indicator for how God is transforming us than how we deal with money.

One sure-fire indicator of how legit your Christianity is: Do you give?

All throughout the Old Testament, we are commanded to give a tithe. We are commanded to give the firstfruits—the first ten percent—as a way of saying all that we have is given to us by God and we belong completely to him. Malachi says, giving less than a tithe is robbing God (Mal. 3:8). In the New Testament, a tithe is a lesser matter of the law, which all of us should keep (Mat. 23:23). 

Interestingly, the apostles never motivate people to give on the basis of the tithe.  Again & again, they motivate people to give in a manner worthy of the gospel—in a manner worthy of the God who has given his beloved Son for you.

So why do many folks still talk about the tithe?

One author argues,

“All too often, Christians tithe in order not to give too much and pastors teach tithing to assure that people give enough.” —Bruce Waltke

That seems to be true. We tithe in order to not give too much. In a previous church, the counting team said many folks gave the 10% exactly, done to the cent, as if to make sure they don’t give anything more!

Trinity Grace is a generous church. It is a privilege to serve a church that loves to proclaim God is their treasure in how they deal with money.

However, the question remains for each of us: Do you grasp or do you give? Is it obvious in the way you give that you are no longer the same? Is your Christianity real?

How To Begin Giving

Over the years, after coming to Christ, folks have asked me: How should I start to give?

I, along with the other pastors, would encourage you to begin with the following steps:

  1. Begin with the tithe. The tithe is not a good place to stop giving, but it is the place to start. If you are not there, I would encourage you to make steps to begin giving a tithe soon.

  2. Give to your local church first. While there are so many opportunties to give, the NT encourages us to give first to the household of faith that we call our church. To bear one another’s burden, to provide for ministry, to help the needy, to advance the mission.

  3. Commit to increasing your giving each year or as income increases.

  4. Invite real help into your finances. Don’t make your financial decisions alone! If there is no better indicator for how God is transforming us than how we deal with money, then it would be wise to make sure our dealings with money are saying what we want them to say.

Sunday Recap—January 21


January 21, 2024 || Genesis 37:2-36 || Walt Alexander

The Sale of Joseph

MAIN POINT: No sin or suffering can undo the plans of God’s providence to make us more like Christ.

  1. The Dreams of Joseph. (v. 37:2-11)

  2. The Sin of the Brothers. (v. 37:12-28)

  3. The Deception of Jacob. (v. 37:29-36)

TGC Variety Show

Join us for an unforgettable evening, Friday, January 26 at TWU starting at 7pm. Deadline for variety acts are Saturday, January 13th.

We Believe

In a culture that is rapidly changing and redefining so many things, it is important to know what we believe. Wednesday, Jan. 24, 7-8:30 pm at the Church Office.

Financial Peace University

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join the Financial Peace University class starting on Feb. 5, sign up below to receive more information.

Membership Class

Sign up below to find out more about the beliefs, doctrine and practices of Trinity Grace Church.  There is no commitment to become a member. Class held Saturday, February 10 from 8:45 am to 1 pm. Location to be determined.

Camp Joy

If you are interested in being a volunteer at Camp Joy July 6-12, select the Learn More button below. This is a great opportunity to make an impact for a lifetime. 

Sunday Recap—January 14


January 14, 2024 || Genesis 32 & 33 || Walt Alexander

Wrestling with God

MAIN POINT: The only way to grasp the blessing of God is with the empty hand of faith.

  1. The weakness of strength. (v. 32:1-21)

  2. The transformation of faith. (v. 32:22-32)

  3. The despised is loved. (v. 33:1-11)

TGC Variety Show

Join us for an unforgettable evening, Friday, January 26 at TWU starting at 7pm. Deadline for variety acts are Saturday, January 13th.

What the Reformers Taught About Scripture

Join us on Sunday morning Jan. 21 at 9:00am at the YMCA to learn key principles of scripture that the Reformers taught us.

Camp Joy

If you are interested in being a volunteer at Camp Joy July 6-12, select the Learn More button below. This is a great opportunity to make an impact for a lifetime. 

Financial Peace University

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. But it's time for your struggle to end—starting today. Join the Financial Peace University class starting on Feb. 5, sign up below to receive more information.